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If you are here to read my story, now we're one step closer...   â€‹


My school life started in Saint Benoit French High School followed by my university education of  three years  at Marmara University, Department of Econometrics, and I completed the last year with the Erasmus Program at Hochschule Bremen, University of Applied Science in order to receive my bachelor's degree.


​I started my career as a Financial Auditor at PwC followed by Controlling, Budget Reporting, Commercial Finance, Strategy, Corporate Governance  I have worked in many departments. I took part in management positions responsible for foreign regions in foreign companies such as GE Healthcare, HP, Verifone, Canon Eurasia, Visa Europe, which I am proud to be a part of. I am still in the my corporate life.


For some of you who might be wondering why I went on a quest 7 years ago… Being diagnosed by Hashimoto and allergies, my quality of life get worse. No doctor could find the cause of the bloating and pain I wod experience on a daily basis. In this process, I have visited quite few of the very well-known doctors in Turkey.


First, I realized that I have a gluten sensitivity and an intolerance to cow's milk. My symptoms were gone, when I removed them from my diet, but then similar complaints started again and the doctor asked, "Are you stressed?" I said "who isn't?" Then I changed my entire kitchen and diet to heal myself. I have attended many mindfulness workshops. I learned different things from each of them, that I had accumulated so many beautiful things without realizing it… At the end of 7 years, I realized that awareness does not happen overnight, we need to experiencing things gradually.


I first set out to solve the problems I was experiencing in the areas of work-life balance, stress, and autoimmune diseases… First of all, I wanted to do something deeper and sustainable for myself on stress management. The first Wellbeing Coach Program in Turkey, opened by Ebru Åžinik, a student of Deepak Chopra, one of the most well-known people in Holistic Health in the world and whose books I love to read.  She is one of the instructors of the 'Chopra Center University' in California, USA, published a new Wellbeing Program in Gedik University that I completed in December 2020 and became one of the first people to receive the title of “Wellbeing Specialist” in Turkey.


Afterwards, I completed the Chopra Center certified Meditation program in the same year. That's the time when I decided to continue in this area... Meditation, Breathing, Ayurveda changed my life miraculously that I had to share this miracle with those in need.  


Since I noticed that also in my own life, holistic health is not only about, nutrition, physical activity or stress free life and it covers each other,   I want to specialize in healthy nutrition and holistic health. So I attended Holistic Health Coaching Program in Institute for Integrative Nutrition, one of the leading schools in its field, headquartered in New York...  In parallel, I received my Holistic Health Coaching diploma from the State University of New York. Specializing in Holistic Health was one of the best choices I've ever made in my life.


By blending my knowledge of Wellbeing and IIN, I decided to embark on my own counseling journey and started coaching people on healthy eating habits, Meditation, Breathing, Ayurveda, Well-being, Stress Management and healthy lifestyle changes. As a person who has tried many methods and seen that they do not work, I believe that the more I can touch the lives of people, the more happy for me.


At the moment, besides my corporate life, I do individual Holistic Health Coaching. I share my experience and knowledge with people by organizing workshops and seminars for corporate companies and groups.


You can contact me for individual, corporate and group consultancy programs.


Muge Bucukoglu

IIN Holistic Health Nutrition Coach

Wellbeing & Ayurveda Coach

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